Sonia DiMaulo, M.A.


Senior Associate | Sonia Di Maulo, M.A.

Sonia Di Maulo is an award-winning performance improvement professional with 15 years experience helping organizations design, develop, deliver and evaluate interventions that boost employee and management performance, enhance the customer experience and impact organizational effectiveness. Ms. Di Maulo has designed Train the Trainer programs, large-scale curriculum, measurement strategies, developed blended learning programs and facilitated interactive workshops worldwide.In April 2012, Sonia launched her book, The Apple in the Orchard: A story about finding the courage to emerge. The story provides a vision for the new world of work and was endorsed by Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Great Leaders Grow.

She speaks on the topics of leadership, feedback, evaluation and living systems as models for meaningful connection at work.

Connect with Fanny

Fanny Z. Korman’s ability to communicate and relate to diverse multi-lingual, multi-cultural groups has made it possible to succeed in the international arena. Ms. Korman has expanded her international experience through facilitating courses in the United States, Canada, Singapore, China, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South America, Central America and the Caribbean. She has conducted courses in Spanish to audiences in Spain, Central and South America.